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Some bands that have the means and luxury to take action are starting to experiment with ways to lessen the environmental impact of touring and live performances. Coldplay recently said that they were not touring in support of their new album, Everyday Life, in order to take a few years and figure out how an…
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This looks pretty special... Massive Attack perform on stage at The SSE Hydro on January 28, 2019 Massive Attack kicked off their ‘Mezzanine’ tour with a dazzling performance in Glasgow last night. The show, which belatedly marked 20 years of the seminal record, saw the trip-hop icons performing the album in full while backed...
The Bristol band will embark on the anniversary tour next weekMassive AttackMassive Attack have announced a new visual collaboration with filmmaker and video essayist Adam Curtis for their upcoming ‘Mezzanine’ tour. The Bristol electronic band are touring in celebration of the 21st anniversary of the release of their third s...
Later this month, Massive Attack will head out on tour, celebrating the 20th anniversary of their classic 1998 album Mezzanine. (The anniversary was last year, but nevermind.) The tour seems like it'll be quite a spectacle. Two major Massive Attack collaborators, Cocteau Twins singer Liz Fraser and reggae legend Horace Andy, will be performing w...
Massive Attack have been having some fun with their landmark album, Mezzanine, turning 20 this year. They encoded the album as DNA, however that works, and then released the album as a matte black spray paint.
Massive Attack don't seem like they'd be a great live show. They are, after all, a mysterious electronic collective whose music projects headphones-ready creeping dread and layered sensuality -- qualities that don't always work in cavernous club spaces. But Massive Attack are pretty amazing live, especially when they have key collaborators with ...

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