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Stephen Malkmus
We at Stereogum are apparently not the only people obsessed with celebrating shit from 1994 on its 20th anniversary; the synthpop duo Ray & Remora pay tribute to the entire year on their new 1994 EP, which includes covers of songs by Guided By Voices, Superchunk, Weezer, Sebadoh, and Dinosaur Jr. There’s also a cutesy [...]
Last night brought the 18th Annual Webby Awards, where Ylvis’ captivatingly bizarre video for “What The Fox Say?” won for Best Viral Video. Appearing to hand off the award were Stephen Malkmus and Reggie Watts, who both appeared to have trouble reading the teleprompter, which led to the already stiff dialogue taking...
Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks released Wig Out At Jagbags on the very first week of 2014, but they just now made it to Letterman. Weird how these promotional cycles work sometimes — or maybe not that weird because now you’re thinking about the Jicks again for the first time in a while. Anyhow, they [...]
Stephen Malkmus has been popping up in some pretty fascinating places lately. Recently he’s spoken to Bret Easton Ellis and Fucked Up’s Damian Abraham, but this is a big one. Malkmus spoke with Marc Maron on WTF and you can stream it on Maron’s website now. Also be sure to check out our Counting Down [...]
In a sense, Stephen Malkmus and Fucked Up’s Damian Abraham are the chilled-out yin and the amped-up yang of the Matador Records roster. So it only makes sense that they more or less complete each other in the context of a TV interview. Malkmus stopped by Abraham’s MuchMusic talk show The Wedge to discuss Malkmus’ [...]

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