Slash Fiction – “Golden Hour”

Slash Fiction – “Golden Hour”

The Sheffield, UK indie-pop/”queer emo noise” band Slash Fiction released a new single called “Catastrophizing” in April, which boasted a pretty solid shout-along chorus and some quite nice lead guitar. A few days ago they followed it up with “Golden Hour,” an even better track that shimmers and jangles with the best of ’em, gliding along in a way that’s both danceable and aerodynamic.

Whereas Dan Stringer took the lead on “Catastrophizing,” “Golden Hour” spotlights Jess O’Sullivan, who sings about the kind of love that makes everything feel better. “Sometimes, its like you can read my mind,” goes the surging chorus, “And it feels nice/ To not have to hide.” Along the way, there are some memorable word-pictures like “Paris baked beneath our feet” and “a Lorde song playing too loud,” though what sticks with me most is the jubilant momentum that carries through to the finish.

Notably, the artwork for both tracks is archival photos of striking workers. Hear both songs below.

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